There are many nutritional changes you need to make. However, we found that
these three basic changes to your diet are undoubtedly the most effective and
critical to prevent the top three killers in America.
1. Removing the BAD FATS – Replacing them with GOOD or GOD FATS.
· Bad fats such as hydrogenated and partially hydrogenated oils, trans fats,
and rancid vegetable oils are linked to cellular congestion leading to
cancer, chronic fatigue, and neurotoxic syndrome.
· Bad fats are also linked to chronic inflammation which is the key to 21st
century medicine. Heart disease, stroke, cancer, diabetes etc. are the
leading cause of death in the United States and inflammation is at the

· Good fats are the most lacking nutrient in the Standard American Diet
(SAD), not vitamins and minerals.
· Good fats are essential to hormone production, cancer prevention, brain
development, weight loss, cellular healing, and anti-inflammation.
2. Change the MEATS that you EAT.
· There are hundreds of studies that link commercial meats with cancer and
heart disease.
· Grain fed to animals created to eat grass changes fatty acid ratios and
denatures good fats, leading to modern day disease.
· The bioaccumulation of commercial pesticides, herbicides, antibiotics, and
hormones in meats are far higher than what you receive from commercial
vegetables. This leads to many cancers and chronic illness.
· Grass fed and free range meats offer many fatty acids missing in the
Standard American Diet (SAD) such as: arachidonic acid, congegatedlinoleic
acid (CLA), and the proper ratio of Omega 6 and Omega 3 fatty
3. Remove ALL Processed grains and Refined SUGARS from your Diet.
YES: This includes white rice, white pasta, and white bread. These are
processed grains that are sugar raise glucose and insulin the same as sucrose,
To identify acceptable grains, the word "whole, stone ground or sprouted" must
be before the word "wheat" or whatever the grain's name. For example, if it
doesn't say the words "whole wheat", it is processed. Wheat flour is not a whole
grain and is thus disease causing to your body.
· One-third of sugar consumption comes from soft drinks, while two-thirds of
our sugar intake comes from hidden sources including: lunch meats,
pizza, sauces, breads, soups, crackers, fruit drinks, canned foods, yogurt,
ketchup, mayonnaise, etc.
· High glycemic or refined sugars cause elevated glucose, which elevates
insulin leading to premature aging and degenerative diseases such as
type II diabetes, heart disease (inflammation of the arteries), and cancer.
· Sugar is an anti-nutrient offering insignificant amounts of vitamins and
minerals and robbing your body of precious nutrient stores. This inevitably
leads to diseases of the new millennium such as chronic fatigue, ADD,
ADHD, heart disease, diabetes, and cancers.
· Remember refined sugars unnaturally spiking and elevation of insulin and
leptin. Prolonged spiking/elevation of insulin and leptin lead to insulin and
leptin resistance. Insulin and leptin resistance cause diabetes and weight
loss resistance or the inability to burn fat for energy, respectively.

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